What are the six categories of negligence?

Patient progress and response to treatment · 2.Although malpractice can permanently alter people's lives, many victims don't file lawsuits. Some people aren't sure if what happened in their cases constituted malpractice, and others are hesitant to file a claim.

What are the six categories of negligence?

Patient progress and response to treatment · 2.Although malpractice can permanently alter people's lives, many victims don't file lawsuits. Some people aren't sure if what happened in their cases constituted malpractice, and others are hesitant to file a claim. Some people wait too long to file their claims, preventing them from seeking compensation for damages. The general statute of limitations for medical malpractice lawsuits in Pennsylvania is two years.

Because of the minimum time required to file a lawsuit, it's important to speak with attorneys dealing with negligence cases as soon as possible. The Philadelphia malpractice attorneys at Raynes & Lawn can meet with you and help you understand if you have a viable claim and what are the next steps to take. These are six common types of medical malpractice that sometimes occur in Pennsylvania. Misdiagnoses are among the most common types of medical negligence in lawsuits.

for malpractice. A misdiagnosis occurs when a doctor fails to diagnose a patient's condition and instead diagnoses the patient with an incorrect condition or states that they do not have any type of medical condition. Late diagnoses are often related to misdiagnoses. In cases of malpractice involving a late diagnosis, the doctor initially incorrectly diagnoses the patient with a different condition or states that he has no medical condition.

Over time, the patient receives an accurate diagnosis, but the delay causes the patient's condition to worsen due to the lack of a adequate treatment. One of the most difficult tasks for a doctor is to identify what causes pain or discomfort in a patient. A misdiagnosis can lead to an unreasonable delay in treatment and considerably increase patient suffering. Many conditions can be life-threatening if a doctor doesn't diagnose and treat them properly right away.

The legal team at Glenn, Mills, Fisher & Mahoney, P.A.Have substantial experience when it comes to medical malpractice cases. If you think you have a claim, tell us about your case in our ONLINE FORM HERE or call our team directly at (91) 683-2135 for a free consultation today. Learn about the six categories of negligence in medical malpractice cases and how they can affect patients.

Gilbert Tsuchiura
Gilbert Tsuchiura

Hardcore food evangelist. Social media lover. Unapologetic music evangelist. Infuriatingly humble zombie practitioner. Evil food expert. Food junkie.

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